We meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at the Landrum Library, from 1 to 2:30

ABOUT OVERMOUNTAIN The Overmountain is an informal group of players living in North and South Carolina, in the regions through which the Overmountain men and women traveled to fight as patriots during the Revolutionary War. We enjoy playing music together bimonthly in an open jam setting. The music we play is mostly traditional to the Southern Appalachian region, including what was brought by early settlers from Ireland and Scotland. Those songs and tunes percolated in this isolated region for many years, some of them emerging in the early days of radio (think Carter family!) Many of us grew up playing music, while others have taken up an instrument as a retirement hobby. We play in smaller or larger groups for community events and area organizations.

Our favorite local organization that we support whenever we can is PACJAM, Pacolet Junior Appalachian Musicians. It provides an opportunity for area youth and adults to experience community through the joy of participating in this traditional music.https://tryonarts.org/pacjam/ We appreciate any donation by a group or individual to this wonderful 401c program. Call the Tryon Fine Arts Center,at 828-859-8322 for more details.

Here are some of our favorite sites for sources of tunes:





http://www.traditionalmusic.co.uk https://thesession.org/tunes



We play almost every tune in this book: THE ALL IN ONE OLD TIME JAM BOOK vol.1 (yellow cover) by Mary Gordon and Hilary Dirlam. It is available for purchase only from the author's website: https://www.hilarydirlam.com